My journal for me

Gold buy good

GBP usd buy entry 1.23457

Gold sell entry 1977.23

GBP usd sell entry 1.23446

GBP usd buy entry 1.23380

Pound sell entry 1.23300

Gbp cad buy

All positions closed

GBP usd buy entry 1.23031

All positions closed
Gold buy entry 1968.98

All positions closed

GBP usd buy entry 1.23004

All positions closed

GBP jpy buy entry 185.457

EUR Aud buy entry 1.67204

Took profit

GBP usd buy entry 1.22859

EUR usd sell entry 1.06658

You have a buy of GBPUSD at 1.22859 and a sell of EURUSD at 1.06658.


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I ended up selling gold could be short term bearish trend

Gold sell entry 1936.70

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Good luck…

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Thanks you

Gold gap down about to for sure