My list of geniuses top ten

A lot of people are called geniuses , but there actually not Zuckerberg copied MySpace ect the list of others go on , so I’ve compiled a list of actual geniuses that actually invented or created something something, not duplicated or seen before

  1. Albert Einstein
  2. Tesla
  3. Thomas Edison
  4. Steve Jobs
  5. Robin Williams (comdedic genius )
  6. Leonardo da Vinci
  7. Issac newton
  8. Marie curie
  9. Galileo
  10. Charles Darwin

That’s my top ten , what’s yours ?


Interesting subject, Ausguy.

My list wouldn’t be hugely different from yours, overall.

Personally, I’d replace Steve Jobs (of whom I have no good opinion at all) and Robin Williams (I take your point about him, but it’s a pretty subjective one). I’d maybe put Bernhard Riemann and Thomas Young in their places.

Riemann was a true genius, by any definition. And Young was rightly famous for so many different things: one of the great “less-recognized geniuses,” I think.

(Might be possible to argue for Stephen Hawking’s inclusion, as well? The trouble is, once you start thinking about it, it becomes difficult to limit it to 10?!).

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Don’t forget the list can contain from entertainment too ect Robin
As long as they contribute and done something new and special, this is implied iq yes

Have a go :+1:

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  1. Steve Jobs
  2. Nikola Tesla
  3. Thomas Edison
  4. Leonardo Da Vinci
  5. Albert Einstein
  6. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  7. Stephen Hawking
  8. Isaac Newton
  9. Archimedes
  10. Bill Gates
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  1. Leonardo da Vinci
  2. Albert Einstein
  3. Isaac Newton
  4. Nikola Tesla
  5. Marie Curie
  6. Charles Darwin
  7. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  8. Socrates
  9. Stephen Hawking
  10. Archimedes
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a) Kepler
b) Gallileo
c) Newton
d) Einstein
e) Darwin
f) Planck & his student Swartzchild
g) Freud & his student Jung
h) Musk
I) Jordan Peterson
J) Valentina Zarkhova

Edit - I suppose in honesty leaving Tessla or indeed Machiavelli out would be wrong.
& Without John Law - none of us would be on this site ! :slightly_smiling_face:


Lookin like Einstein is the general consensus here .
Keep ‘em coming people :+1:

Archimedes been said a few times too good good