A lot of people are called geniuses , but there actually not Zuckerberg copied MySpace ect the list of others go on , so I’ve compiled a list of actual geniuses that actually invented or created something something, not duplicated or seen before
- Albert Einstein
- Tesla
- Thomas Edison
- Steve Jobs
- Robin Williams (comdedic genius )
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Issac newton
- Marie curie
- Galileo
- Charles Darwin
That’s my top ten , what’s yours ?
Interesting subject, Ausguy.
My list wouldn’t be hugely different from yours, overall.
Personally, I’d replace Steve Jobs (of whom I have no good opinion at all) and Robin Williams (I take your point about him, but it’s a pretty subjective one). I’d maybe put Bernhard Riemann and Thomas Young in their places.
Riemann was a true genius, by any definition. And Young was rightly famous for so many different things: one of the great “less-recognized geniuses,” I think.
(Might be possible to argue for Stephen Hawking’s inclusion, as well? The trouble is, once you start thinking about it, it becomes difficult to limit it to 10?!).
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Don’t forget the list can contain from entertainment too ect Robin
As long as they contribute and done something new and special, this is implied iq yes
Have a go 
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a) Kepler
b) Gallileo
c) Newton
d) Einstein
e) Darwin
f) Planck & his student Swartzchild
g) Freud & his student Jung
h) Musk
I) Jordan Peterson
J) Valentina Zarkhova
Edit - I suppose in honesty leaving Tessla or indeed Machiavelli out would be wrong.
& Without John Law - none of us would be on this site ! 
Lookin like Einstein is the general consensus here .
Keep ‘em coming people 
Archimedes been said a few times too good good