My name is wisdom and am very new to babypips and to forex as a whole

How do I go go about everything?

What do I do? Am very new to everything, I need assistance please.

Press the green education button above.

Open a demo account and have some fun!! Bet realistic amounts of fake money and do it for at lease 6 months. Then, when u stop losing, start using real money.

Welcome to the community, @Wisdom2022. Start with the education section here. Then as you go along, open a demo account to practice what you’re learning. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome to the community! I hope you’re going through the School now. It’s the best place for newbies to learn the basics of forex trading. Good luck!

Education will open all the doors for you. Study every forex trading topic with due diligence and practice it on your demo account so that you are gaining both theoretical and practical knowledge.

Start by focussing soley on education and practice. Forget all notions of making money and just train yourself on the skill/art of trading.

Start with the Education section on this site, YouTube is a good place to start too.