My new Baby pips Journey

Hi Im Kirollos but y’all can call me Kiro, I have just started forex and believe that this is the best way I will use to raise my income as I would like to start off my adult life with spare cash.

I tried starting with IM but my mentor was not the best and deserted me, Im in that position where Im trying to teach myself with the help of livestream mentors on YouTube, like Monty, Raja, and Paul.

I have blew my account twice in the process of learning and because of this I took Raja’s advice and came here to learn. Im hoping to change direction soon and get good at this and make profit instead of loosing money.

I believe that minds like mine are similar to @spidypips because I do axcell at school with high grades in honors and AP classes and I am really good at math as I am taking AP Calc AB as a 16y old and hope that by picking forex I am off to a good start to my economic journey to the rich life.

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Welcome to the family kirollos I love your fire :fire: I wish you best of luck brother :blush:

Wow! A 16 year old! How old were you when you started with IM?