My New EA

Nov 9th 10:42–Nov 12th 23:00
300 trades, all in profit, ( $500 starting bankroll @ 0.5 lot size)

Sorry to burst your bubble, but 1 day says nothing. Next day you may lose twice what you earned the day before. Can you show me one over 2 years with a consistent steady profit quarter to quarter?

No, absolutly not, unless there is a way to pause the backtest, and ADJUST TO CONDITIONS, its not possible,

Why is everyone contradictive to everything?

Everyone says, " backtest is garbage," but everyone wants to see years and years of backtesting, or call the EA BS because i dont funish the crap results,

Everyone says " Demo account are crap, and mean nothing to real live trading" but, in order to get a real feel of an EA, demo must be done for 6 months or longer, to PROVE NOTHING.

One day says nothing you say, but EVERYONE in forex knows, conditions change daily, right or wrong?

People are haters in this day of age, when someone has something, weather it works or not, it gets trashed, because they themselves fail miserable day after day, week after week,… Its nothing new to me, I was into horse handicappin, and people HATED to hear, and hated to see me win CONSISTANLY, because i havent been doing it for years, and failed before I was right, I had a strat that worked, cause they just cant get NOTHING to work for them, and end up calling it LUCK,

Give me a backtest, that i can adjust to CURRENT conditions, from 1960 if you want, it dont matter.

Now, it seems to me, your putting my efforts in the ground, cause im onto something good, again, nothing new to me, it seems to follow me in life. And to why i have no friends, or family close to my heart.

Why is it, that one must fail, conciderably, before finding the right way to do it?

You think, in a gun battle, that if your a horrible shot, that your going to get a second chance to redeem yourself?

Not a chance,

Wouldnt it make more sense, to practice, and get very, very good before going to the battle, when your life is at stake?

Everyone in this world has a learning curve, its just the ones that are quick learners, that get trashed, because " its not possible" to come out shooting, and winning.

And, instead of “picking their brain” to get to what they have, they get pushed to the side and called stupid, because" they havent been there"

Man o man, times have changed,

for someone to sit there, and see results, and not say its impressive, even tho, it reaches the standards OF THE CURRNET GAME, is just plain mindless…

Maybe i should of lost a few trades, then it would seem more realistic, my bad, i just dont like to lose, and always find away to NOT LOSE,

But, then again, Forex, as with horse handicappin, only a very small portion of players actually make it…

I even furnished several differant currencies, lol, and that isnt good enough to give props too.

Ok, let me go find a way to backtest to 1980 to 2010, to prove, IT MEANS NOTHING,



Hey, Enjoy your day,

I think i will just keep it for myself, and just post pics of my new cars and houses, and happiness, but, then again, who the heck has time, when Rich, to post pics on a forum, let alone the time to read the forum,that no one really cares anyways…

O, yeah, want to add this,

The last pic was for 3 days, not one, and i did that to prove, that it works over the longer term then one day, because i had a feeling, someone would throw that crap on my thread, and i also started it with a starting account of $500, and not $10,000…

It weighs the equity, the margin, and the profit, with a small acount…

after going thru your posts, now i se why you are saltly over my progress, casue your bot makes .02 % ,lol, i would be salty to…

But hey, if your happy with that, keep on a trucking, in your hobby.

I used to look forward to your posts, but now, i realize, your just a small player too, so please, dont post your spew in my thread,

The suspenders and the avatar pic thru me off,

Sure. Good luck with your illusions. :smiley:

Again, pestizism at its best, (is that even a word?lol)

Frankly, you made my day. What you intrepreted as sour is just your own illusion. You are the victim of your own interpretations. I’m up in my [U]live[/U] account by a couple of nice bucks. No very reason to be sour. My eas, not just one, work like a charm so far since months, not days. I just told you the truth which you seem to have problems to realize. Anyways, don’t worry. There is a club of 90% or so who are in the same boat.

A curve fitted ea which relies on past data of a day or two and in this case of three days even with an unacceptable drawdown of higher than 60% is less worth than nothing, because it is a loser ea. Then if I look at your pips of a trade I am wondering how it will deal with spread and requotes of a live account. You can very probably gain more money if you don’t use it, lol.

Anyways, good luck. If it works, send me a postcard showing your new ferrary. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good Morning, Thanks for the input, i understand your view, as you have been in this game much longer then me, im sure…

Thanks for the feedback,

Great profits to you Sir,

Ur welcome and thanks. Don’t look at me however. I am unimportant. Look at your very own risk management and try to be honest to yourself. If you do that consistently, then you may make some consistent money. No guarantee, but a fair chance.

Big profits too you, also! :slight_smile:

Buckscoder - I wanted to send a PM, but that did not seem to work.
I would like to ask a couple questions about EA’s , but I did not want to change the course of this thread.

mate, don’t let the nay-sayers get you down.
I’m very interested in the work you’ve been doing and I’d be very pleased if you carry on posting your results and progress.

The whole point of people asking for backtesting is to see whether it fails in backtesting. Because if it does, then you know it’s crap.

hi can you share your ea with us?