My new tattoo

Is this right?

Too much studying the last few days.

Sorry : )


Is it a bull candle? :stuck_out_tongue:

should of got a hammer and a shooting star

edit. or a doji on your forehead :18:

If I can ever find a picture, the permanent tattoo with be the likeness of Homma Munehisa (1724 - 1803), the inventor of candlestick charts.

or not :<)

thats dedication

Hey Bro, its your skin, if you like, I like It…

Funny thing is, I was just talking about a Forex tat last night with my wife…

Told her I was going to get " Bull/Bear" on my knuckles, LOL

Was just being funny, but Im thinking about something…

Im a huge Cleveland Browns fan, already got inked for that, so, Forex is next…

piercing line and dark cloud cover tattoos on your knuckles would be awesome!

I’ve been wading through some trader psychology stuff and it seems like traders perform some really [I]serious[/I] body-art type of modifications on their psyches in order to keep from being annihilated every time they make a move… like the equivalent of full back/shoulder battle scenes… sorta thing.

I might, but not yet.


Wow never seen trading related body art. nice job

I got an Idea,

3D Candles that look like they are jammed in your arm, with blood drippin out around the edges. But in a Bull or Bear trend, right down the forearm,


Dogfight Aces paint plane icons for every kill - Traders can build a progressive design for 10s, 100s, 1000s or 100,000s in pip-count : )

I’m all for elitist bodyart - Can’t tatt if you can’t trade… Hey, if we go from Prey to Predator - we can acknowledge our heritage with designs like Venom-spitting Fawns or Bunny Rabbits with Fangs… you know, things our children shouldn’t see…

Nah, I’m just avoiding work - I’ll shut up now. :slight_smile:

Haha! I’d never thought of anything like this! When I first looked into any kind of trading I had always assumed it would be boring old guys talking about interest rate differentials. Baby pips showed me that you can have fun and laugh while you trade. So thank you!

Admins, I’d love that: with your permission of course!
Do you have it in a larger version so i could print it out and show in my tattoo studio?

Who ever got that tattoo would be sorry right now lol

Comon it’s just a marker guys. Now a cool tat would be the whole chart showing the setup of your greatest trade on your back. Indicators and all.

I can’t tell if this is an interesting idea for FX body art or not (I’m not into body art, but for this… maybe :slight_smile: What you think?

not the background - and I can’t tell if it’s just too gothic anyway…

ok, ok, i’ll get back to work :slight_smile:


Hummm, your reachin Bro,

It has to say Forex Right off the bat, even if at a glance, you need to kno its trading ink.

Im Verrry seriously thinking of getting my Candles Jammed 3D look, just thinking about candle placement. I already talked to my artist, he’s fired up about it…

Hahaha loving this thread…

But I’ve already got enough bars in me… :wink: Guesses where they are anyone? Hahahahaha

I’m [I]wayyy[/I] too tired my friend. I like the jammed candles idea, tho too. It got me thinkin’ about the tatts that Special Forces use - they’re so elite, they [I]bleed[/I] Inner Circle. That’s what got me on the Judas Swing - it’s a term I’d never heard before and it’s got… well, it’s got [I]cache…[/I] or sumthin… stabbed with a candle, though… :slight_smile:

stay loose

Are we talking [I]Happy Hour[/I] Bars? :45: