My system is simply 15 years of process of elimination

Hello everyone only now are we starting to see results of my cracked system strategy also I call it
the sienna system the recent stock crash I predicted and also xau chf sell I said today.

I can finally answer what my system is

Simply the process of elimination over a period of 15 years of trading

Every variable is accounted for now

I no I’ve lost but hopefully if people pulled out of the stocks 4 days ago like I said . Ived helped those people :+1::moneybag::sunglasses:

Waiting patiently for any details you’d like to share.

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Oh yeah, what were you trying to eliminate? Stuff that doesn’t work?

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Yeah I’ve tried everything every indicator every strategy and every combination and variable of every thing

And never gave us because every problem has a solution

Now I can finally say I’ve cracked it

Eagerly waiting to learn what you share……………….thanks in advance!

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Looks like xau chf gold Swiss is falling for 9 days too entered sell yesterday but not to late to enter as falling again as we speak

The evolution of nearly all strategies follows the same direction - simplification. Which means trend.


It has been an evolution for me for sure pushing my brain to it’s limits

Until finally I cracked the 9 day trends :moneybag::muscle::muscle:

I might add it’s been a big sacrifice for me every day trying to crack it - no girlfriend for 15 years

Now finally now the money is starting to come in I can find a girl and settle down and have kids whom I’ll leave my secret strategy too

Oooh. :open_mouth: That system would definitely be interesting to see! :blush: I know a few people here have already expressed their interest too. If you don’t mind, when do you plan to share the details of the system? Or is it something that has to be paid for? :open_mouth:

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Can’t share any more else about the system but will post my trades for which to follow like I hope everyone sold xau chf :muscle:

Oh okay. :open_mouth: A shame though since I’m sure a lot of members here could benefit from that too. :blush: But good luck! Looking forward to those trades. :blush:

Also, how different is this system from the ones you’ve been posting on your other journals? :thinking:

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Let’s hope that at least the proportion of winning trades is totally different, otherwise it will be yet another disaster …

And that the trades in this one have clearly stated entry-levels, stop-losses and targets, otherwise it will be the same outcome as in all his other Journals: persistent claims of huge profits made (“to the moon” and “cracked it” and “becoming a trillionaire”) while anyone/everyone trying to follow them - though never with real money, I hope! - makes steadily consistent losses. :cry:

Ah boo. Throw us a bone. Can’t learn much from just signals.

Kind of reminds me of the old adage attributed to Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu:

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”

But when people are “hungry” enough, they’ll be grateful just for a “fish”!

Trouble is though, is it actually a fish or just a fishy illusion:) Time will tell! :smiley: In the meantime, I suggest people continue with their own homework and find their own method rather than just feeding off someone else’s. In the long run it will be more satisfying and certainly more sustainable.

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It’s all good xau chf will continue to fall along with the sp 500 another 6 days min

Juicy odds sold more xau chf here will ride it down

Good take.

Correction over everything will fall again stocks ect

In profit with xau chf sell and spy sell