My trading dramatically improved when I

Try to finish the sentence with a few short words which encompass a major turning point in your trading skills.
Clearly, it’s difficult to pinpoint just one, but, if a lot of people participate in the exercise, we could potentially put together a great roadmap for brand new traders (and veterans who need a reminder).

I’ll start.

…stopped worrying about social sentiment, analyst/media-outlet bias, and relied solely on my own analysis of the markets according to my trading plan.


Took responsibility and learnt from my own trading mistakes because my fellow trading floor colleagues used to enjoy pointing them out to me and get me to pay for the drinks!


Finished creating my trading strategy and start trading and following it no matter what.


When I wrote my own robot that outperformed all competitors.


…stopped trading what I wanted to see and started to trade what was there.


Stopped focusing on the money and more on the process.


Back tested my results on a weekly basis by referring to my journal to see if I could find any indication as to why price moved up or down.


When I stopped drinking and took responsibility for actions.


When I created a pre trade check list and looked at my trading business long term instead of a single trade.

This thread was a great idea.


…Stopped thinking of my analysis as a chore and instead became excited when it was time to get to work developing and improving my trading strategy.


Great thread! I apologize if it is long winded but here goes. I am yet to find “my happy place” in my trading even though it’s been 4 years since I started with forex and the last year and a bit full time. It is interesting you mention social media and analyst bias as last year I made my twitter account a virtual forex news feed by following all things forex. It seemed to pay massive dividends initially and I had a very good few months, but virtually all of this year I have been out of synch with the market. Lately I have been looking at Twitter less diligently as I’ve been feeling like my own views are being distorted. I haven’t been on this forum long but one thing I am coming around to is more focus on pure price action. I have deleted RSI and Stochs from my charts, even though I still see divergence as a very good tool at times, and only run a few SMA’s. Concentrating mainly on horizontal S/R levels and using fibs as well has me feeling much more comfortable with what I am seeing. I’m still adjusting to the changes ATM but it is looking promising and much easier for me to make trades with good RR ratio’s.


When i got to grips with plain old horizontal levels of Support/Resistance Supply/Demand.

Pick one pair to monitor to begin with.
Go to daily chart with nothing but price.
Draw a line above and below price.
Watch how price reacts to your levels.

If price repeatedly smashes through your levels-Your drawing them wrong.

If price repeatedly stops at your levels like it hit a brick wall at 100 miles an hour-Your drawing them right

Practice untill you can pick your levels sufficiently enough so that price stops at your levels.
When you can pick levels where price will stop ahead of it getting there you have an edge.

When your able to pick levels where price will stop or continue sufficiently on the daily charts move down to 4hr and practice there.
This is a whole different ball game where you will need to practice again at picking levels.
Great way of learning the rythym of the market and your chosen pair.


… Started to plan my trades and trade my plan.


Started to follow my trading plan. And also when i joined BabyPips ofcorse =0)


Committed myself to this as a long term goal and career.

Told my friends and family that this was what I wanted to do and got their support.

Admitted to myself I actually knew a lot less than I did.

Paid for a good coach and education.

Practiced with humility, persistence and a good attitude.

Took time off when things got overwhelming.

Applied my strategy.

Ticked off one by one all the little (and big) things I did not understand, left no stone unturned.

Attended to my own physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Sorted out, examined and healed my ideas about money and the influence of it from family, culture and personal desire.


…When I stop wasting my time taking “selfie” pictures :slight_smile:

…When I start listening to my own instinct/judgment
… When I start building my confidence and believed to my own self
…When I know that I am “Born To Win” it


When i realize why only 5-10% of people are surviving in this battle.:33: (what they are doing and how they are doing?)

Realized that it can turn on me at any time, and used caution. Lower profits, higher bank statement :slight_smile:


Thought of bringing this thread back up, there is a lot of insight here. :smiley:

My trading dramatically improved when I stick to my trading plan, review my journal and point out which I missed, or didn’t stick to plan, or a loss and how to improve better.

oh, and … sent my kid to preschool. :slight_smile:

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