My trading goal for 2024

Definitely not hijacking Mondeo! :blush: Your replies are always very educational and informative so I also enjoy reading them! :smiley: I had to search what JFDI meant :sweat_smile: , but super hanks for sharing this one. :blush: I hope I can keep this in mind. :smiley:

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Helloooo! :blush: Tbh, I don’t think I have any meaningful analysis of my past trades. :open_mouth: I post them here and look back at what went wrong or what went right, but I haven’t really put that on paper yet. :open_mouth: Do you have any suggestions?

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I’m monitoring my chart for this pair again and I’m thinking it’s either going to bounce off .08329 as a resistance before price goes down, or it breaks through this area and goes even as high hitting .09357. :thinking: Very different positions so I might wait and see what price does next. :open_mouth: What do you guys think of this? :open_mouth:

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  1. When you tally the mistakes of your past 20 trades, what patterns do you see?

  2. Go back and re-trade the same setups. What would you have to do in order to successfully manage those trades? Is there any pattern in what you would have to do?


Thanks for these, dushimes! :open_mouth: Just from some of my more recent trades, I feel like I tend to be too eager to get in. I feel like this might also be related to how I dedicate only 1-2 days to trading so I’m pressured to open a trade within those 102 days. :open_mouth: Apart form this, I noticed I also setup either super wide or super tight SLs. :confused:

Hmm. :thinking: I might have to think a bit more about this. :open_mouth: But I’ll start with trying to trade the same setups on demo! :open_mouth:

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I’m still watching this pair, and we might hit 0.08335 soon. :open_mouth: Hopefully, we get a clearer indication of whether price will go down or break through then. :pray:

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How many is some? How many are you talking about?

I suggest 20 trades.

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Thank youuu dushimes! :blush: Since becoming more actively trading again, I’ve recorded just 6 trades (cause I usually trade like 1 position a week :open_mouth: ) But this is something I’m working on improving! I know I need more trades to really come up with a more useful analysis and I’ll try to do just that! :open_mouth:


Hi guuuuuys! :blush: Another week, another trade. :smiley:

I feel like I’m becoming more used to this tagline. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m still on the EURUSD pair. I actually opened a short position @ .08869 with my SL @ .09076. I ended up closing the position @ .08684 cause I panicked when price seemed to be going the opposite direction. :confused:

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Right now, I’m closely watching this pair cause I think it’s highly likely that there will be another bearish crossover soon. :pray: I hope I can get in on that at the very beginning so I’ll probably be going back and forth from my 1H and 4H charts. :pray: Anyone else trading this pair? :blush:

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I’m looking @.08402 to open a short. :thinking: Will update in the next few hours! Good luck to us this weeeek! :blush:

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There have already been a couple of crossovers on my 1H chart so I’m tempted to already get in. :sweat_smile: I’m trying to control myself until this crossover happens on my 4H chart. I might get in earlier than .08402 though. :sweat_smile:

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Price is still ranging, but looking at it now, the crossover could move either directions. :open_mouth: Hopefully I’d get a clearer entry signal once price hits around .08630. :thinking: :pray:

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How about going into your trading history and looking at past trades? Instead of waiting 14 weeks so you have 20 trades to analyze, look in your history.

You were still using crossovers then, correct? So, maybe you can use those. I suggest you set a deadline of some kind. Try to finish said analysis by Saturday. The sooner the better, right?


It’s a good suggestion. If you dont mind can I ask you a question? How many years did it take you to reach this level?


This level? haha What level? I’m still not consistently profitable.

I’m getting there, though.

I’ve learned a lot and come a long way, but not yet where I need to be.


How many year it will take?

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It takes whatever it takes.


Good luck man. May God make your path easy and exciting.

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[quote=“merryhenson, post:78, topic:1224769, full:true”]
How many year it will take?
[/quote]It took me about 13 years. I am very slow and very dumb. But I do write a lot of stuff down, and have an electronic filing system that allows me to go back some years. The most OCD record I feel bad about is the record of my spending (personal, corporate, everything) is a spendings record that goes back to year 2000. I am at entry number 23833 today! I have a version of it sorted by year, and last year I used it to recall all the items at hone worth more than $200 - in readiness for a house move. The strategy was to sell or throw away any item in the home that we did not use for the past two years so we did not perpetuate the “hoarding” habits of the past 25 years. Last week we moved 85 boxes to a friend’s van for his car boot sale business, and he is coming back for another 65 boxes next week. That’s just the small stuff. The big stuff I need to put on websites for free or sale.