My Trading Log


I’m with you on just trading the charts! I keep a 15m and 1h chart on a pair open at all times and occasionally look to the 4h if further clarification is needed. I dont trade high impact news, its just as likely to go against you than for. I think better to wait to see where its gone and trade a possible retrace? Long since given up on second guessing ‘snakes and ladders’ :slight_smile:

I like your sense of humor here!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

GBPUSD misbehaved wildly today, hitting my SL.

The other three trades are still active, only GBPCHF currently in profit.

In spite of this I’ve actually managed to increase my account today. I mentioned a long while ago that I was working on something possibly clever and I’m now forward testing it live. It worked today, so that’s something.

If I find that it really seems to work I’ll share it here, but there’s still a way to go so don’t count on anything. The only thing you can be sure of, as you’ll know by now, is that I’ll never sell, pitch or anything else like that. Period.

You have to sell something when you become a forex millionaire. I suggest these… “What Would Macgyver Do?” - Slogans, Funny, Pop Culture T-shirt by Glenn Jones

Cool! Did you hear that MacGyver’s coming to the silver screen? Though it’s still in the manuscript writing phase, but it’s worth waiting for!

When I’m a gazillionaire I think I’ll open a store that sells only swiss army knives, duct tape and chewing gums :smiley:

Special discount for BP members.

Tonight I’ve decided to set a pending order to short CADJPY at 85.20 with a SL at 86.40. TP open.
Reason: the pair is forming a two bar reversal in direction with the trend and rejecting the 86.00 level. Sounds good but will it make me money? We’ll see.

The other three trades are still open although CHFJPY is hovering threateningly close to the SL.

what is a morningstar? what indicators do you use to see it.

A morningstar is a star that you see in the eastern sky before dawn.

what indicators do you use to see it.

An alarm clock!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

(sorry, long day!).

A morning star is a bullish three candle formation signaling a u-turn in the trend.

Have a look here for more info: Japanese Candlestick Charting Explained

Tested my project again tonight and it ended well. There’s quite a bit of work to do still though.

I’m still in the GBPJPY, GBPCHF and CADJPY trades. CHFJPY was stopped out.

DailyFX has a setup on CHFJPY to go short as it’s hitting the upper trendline on daily right about now. It’s tempting, but I can’t see the Price Action confirmation I want, so I’m staying out for now at least.

Looking at the charts shorts on EURNZD, AUDJPY and EURCHF all look interesting and I’m entering with ridiculously small positions just to see if I’m right for once :D.

Killed the AUDJPY short a a few pips profit. Didn’t like the outlooks.

Last few weeks I’ve not had so much time to spend here on BP and today I feel like spending even less time here in the future.

I have received my first infraction, whatever that is. Apparently it’s not ok to use foul language with capital letters to ruin a spam post. (which I was nice enough to report so they could delete it)

Well, duh! They could just have asked nice and that would have worked just as fine (even better IMO). I never use that sort of language otherwise and frankly I’m feeling hurt. (I never would have thought interaction on a forum could do that to me, guess it can)

Anyway, I’ll keep posting every now and then but it’s gonna be much less than before. I’ve learnt a lot and these days I’m not finding that I really learn much here on BP.
I’ve still spent time here and tried to be helpful to newbies and such but I don’t feel much like that anymore.


Felt the same way a few weeks ago when I received an infraction for ‘SOLICITATION’ :eek:

All I was trying to do was pass on an excel sheet on compounding and left my email address. How the heck is that solicitation???

Contacted the site and was told… well basically the ‘infraction’ would stand. At this point I thought the same as you… bugger them, i’m off!

The only way this site can maintain its credibility is if experienced traders remain here to pass on their knowledge. Otherwise its a pointless exercise.

Stay in spite of them 099016mh, its the newbies your helping after all. :smiley:

To be slightly fair, they do get a hell of a lot of junk and people soliciting EAs, etc. Half the time it’s probably just some auto program telling them that a dodgy word has been posted in such and such with some overactive forum mod. :slight_smile:

Nope, I got a personal message from them about it.

And I just checked my account, the infraction is permanent. Now I’m pissed for real. I want it gone as I sure as (better not write that…) don’t deserve it.

Well, I’m gonna miss you sensible guys and I’m not going to make this into a long whining, but I’m either having it removed or I’m gone.


Well youre principled, I’ll say that! But personally I’ll miss your posts… one of the names I look for on this forum.

Don’t think you’ll have much luck though… they seem pretty intransigent on their postion with these ‘infractions’? I gave it my best shot and was politely told it would stand. :mad:

Dear Admin,

This is the third message on the same subject. I hadn’t really thought it over earlier.
For instance I didn’t see at first, but when I checked my brand new “infractions” tab I saw that it never expires.

Well, I’m not fine with that. In fact, I would like it to go away completely as it was uncalled for in the first place.

You could just have sent me an ordinary message and I would have complied.

I [B]never[/B] use inappropriate language otherwise and I always try to be polite and helpful.

Sometimes you don’t manage to delete the (blatantly obvious) spam threads immediately and that’s why I’ve sometimes put up a post like that so that any newbie happening to wander onto the thread will have his/her alarm bells go off.

As you see, there has been a constructive thought behind it and, like I said, if it wasn’t OK with you all you had to do was tell me. I resent the infraction and I want it gone. I don’t deserve or accept it.

If that’s a problem for you, then you have my authorization to delete my user name and every post I ever made. I hope I’m being clear. I’d rather have that than stay here with an infraction I firmly believe was uncalled for and undeserved.

I know that might sound like blackmailing but it’s not intended as such, I’m fully prepared for your decision, whichever one it is.

(I do of course hope this can be resolved.)

Lol :smiley:

Yep that would do it! :D:D:D

Frankly I expect to be banned/deleted, but I’m still hoping for justice to prevail.


You’d better take that quote down before you get another infraction. :smiley:

I didn’t get an infraction but I got a polite PM from Pipsygirl a while back because I called a spammer a spammer and told him he wasn’t welcome here.

She told me all you’re supposed to do is report it and not confront the spammers. Making fun of spammers was my favorite pastime up until then… :slight_smile: