My ultra dunce take on trading psychology

Fellow traders. I have noticed that a few people have begun following me on here so I’ve decided to see if I can in some small way assist them on their trading journey.
I see the term psychology being bandied about all over the place but rarely do the proponents elaborate so that we the readers can properly grasp what exactly they mean. Naturally the term may mean something different to each individual but I will give my spin on one aspect of it.
One definition of the word psychology is ’the mental characteristics or attitude of a person or group’. I sincerely believe an important tool for a trader to have in their arsenal is a winning mentality. I believe the person who has had six straight wins will feel different about their trading than a person who has had six straight losses. To this end I would humbly suggest to my fellow new traders that you try to accumulate a series of wins which will at the very least boost your confidence. To get these wins simply aim for anywhere between 2 and 3 pips, or aim for 20 cents per trade, using small lot sizes which is not difficult to achieve (you can compare that with trying to achieve $10 or 20 pips per trade). If you can accomplish this you can then tweak things slowly over time like adding another pip or upping the lot size a bit (but not both at the same time) and see how that works out.
Also it is important that you not follow everything you hear about forex not even from me. For example dont follow the folks who tell you to trade once per day or one session only. How the hell can you get the desired practice and experience by doing that??? If there is anyone who disagrees with anything i’ve said here dont be afraid to point it out so that I can correct it if needs be.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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Have a look at

Tom Hougaard is a very high stakes trader and a big proponent of psychology.
There is a lot of psychology stuff on his website, also on YouTube. :ok_hand: :+1:

All his content is free, beware there are scammers using his name.

Yeah, I know about TraderTom. I am even in his discord group right now but I dont really pay it much mind these days. There are two main reasons for this. The first is that I get way too many notifications from him on my phone. They come at a time when I am just in the good part of my nightly sleep, lol. This is good if you want to copy trades but I am not into that. The second is that I have seen him lose too many trades and that doesnt fit in with my trading technique so I have kinda tuned out. Overall what he is doing is good though and very transparent which I appreciate.
Thanks for your input Johnny1974.