My journey toward a million dollar funded account


just a quick update;
that is actually no update.
since the restart, due family reason i have yet to complete 20 trades (setups) to get a new score.
i am not exactly sure how many i have done so far, probably somewhere halfway there.
definitely not the smoothest start either, some of the setups were more challenging, and bcos my focus was on my main account, not always ended the best ways, but that is just how trading is.
between my son coming for Xmas on Friday, and me traditionally stop trading between the holidays and first week of January, it isnt likely i will get far ahead of this.

want to grab this chance to wish all of you Merry Christmas and a happy and Successful 2024!



Not a bad goal, actually. It sounds a bit exagerrated, but if you have set this aim, then I can’t dare not to endorse you in it.

The main is to realize that this path will be very thorny, and everything may even go wrong, but you ain’t need to give up and surrender. You are obliged to continue what you have started at least because you opened this thread here and we will be watching you, haha. Keep going.


just a gentle reminder: this is a “side path” :wink:

it is a worthy goal to work toward, but not something my whole trading life is riding on.
more like an opportunity to explore, similarly as i have with many other things, for example darwinex.
i didnt give up on darwinex. i have abandoned it! LOL
when you have enough information to decide if something worth your time, or not, next is the decision to make to continue pursue it. or not. darwinex didnt worth my attention.

axiselect is a lot more promising.
yet to see if it will be able to deliver for me all i would like to achieve.
only can promise one thing: i wont give up! in that surrender sense. only be objective with my effort.


Sorry, you’ve probably already answered this question, but why did you get the account reset? As far as I understand, the most important thing is the EDGE score, as your profit share depends on it.

Could you please also explain how to calculate these figures? And what depends on them? How is EDGE calculated?

Support for traders was also mentioned, what does it involve?
And one last question regarding education, what specific resources and learning opportunities are available there?

hi Paul_J7,

the short answer bcos i want doing as great as i wanted to; needing a score of 90 for the steps that really matter for me, and with more similar history things would just be locked at the place they were.
plus i had a few “glitches” from Beta testing stage on, and while that is generally normal and why Beta testing is done, all the same it was negatively affecting me.
bcos the ‘time invested’ wasnt really that much, if ever decide to give myself another chance to do better, why not when it is the least amount of time spent yet?
( this, of course is a reasonable approach mostly when getting a funded account isnt the sole purpose of trading, but only looked at as a side income stream! additionally, when confident enough to be able to at least get back up to the very same level, which i know i will be.)

that said, i dont think initially my score will be anything better than it was, especially bcos it was a rough restarting, ie the market wasnt the smoothest to my approach. that happens.

Edge score: something it wasnt published in details, so i am unable to answer it.
this is what a short explanation to find on the website.

part of the reason to reset to test some of my ideas out on how to improve on my score, if any.
for now, i believe it is set to be favoring single entries vs multiple entries on same pair ( grid/martingale), and overall seem to be favoring swing trading, although not as much as darwinex does.
i also found that around 100 setup takes you to the full, 100% “experience” score component, thus that will stop to interfere.
another that placing stop loss, that i often dont do, is more favorable, even if dont actually come anywhere near the allowed maximum drawdown.

to the second part,
support for traders
mentioned by who? me? i dont think so.
there is a ‘trading room’ sort of, but i dont see it to be really active. else, Axi has the usual chat support or email, that both works, used them.
and the last one
dont know what you mean here, on “what specific resources and learning opportunities are available there”?
i am most probably not the person to ask these questions, support is.
along the score are some usual metrics, like win%, or average win/loss ratio, or holding time. will that be regarded as education or leaning opportunity? in general i would opt for not, even though may hold some info that is useful.


Thanks for the answers. How’s everything going for you at the moment? Are you still using Axi Select?

hi Paul_J7,

yes, i am, but the last few weeks was mostly conducting some trials trying to get a better feel what goes into the score, and if i could or would want to bend some my own trading, and what extent to achieve one of those high scores.
for the moment i dont have the answer.
i know with confidence that i can reach easily a 70-80ish score, that would be enough for 100k funding.
while of course it isnt a bad deal, my aim is higher to make it fully worthwhile.


I’d be really interested to hear about your achievements and actual earnings. How did you manage to hit the 70-80 score, and did that actually secure you the 100k funding? Also, I’d like to know about your experience with withdrawing funds: any issues, or has everything been smooth?

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Paul, i have not hit 100k yet, but i know i can, not the issue.
my goal is beyond that and trying to see if that is personally possible for me.

the payment ( profit share from funded account) was automatic end of the month to my trading account. smooth.

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I wish you success. If you come across any interesting information, please share it. I also have the desire to try, but I don’t think I’m a very skilled trader

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in the end, if you are a profitable trader overall, it has no cost per se to try, the 500$ deposited is withdrawable if you want to move on, like any other broker acct, and the trading conditions Axi offers are comparable with most retail brokers just fine.

at this point i feel confident to say the program caters better to swing traders, with a tight hard SL.


I decided to go ahead and do it, deposited $500, and started trading little by little.

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Thank you for all your posts

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