Nana K's Trading Journal (Part 1)

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

It is 5:05 am as I type these thoughts. Day Light Saving, so yes, the sun is coming up. I’m yearning for a walk after a gruelling two hours of studing. Eventually I finished all the modules under marginal trading.

I wish I had learnt this before blowing up my £500 account when I attempted trading forex for the first time. At a time when I had only about 2k in savings, blowing up 500 quid was a big deal for me. Lesson learnt!

I have got my demo account set up. I will keep learning and practising until I am consistently making profit with my demo account before I dare upgrading to a live account.

So if you have just started just like me, don’t worry about how long it is gonna take to master forex trading. Just keep putting in the reps!

“Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years.” - Bill Gates


Congrats on your journey towards knowledge expansion of trading; you’ve taken the right step.
Looking forward to your awesome journalling.


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Welcome to the community! Remember, every trade, win or lose, is a learning opportunity. Keep learning, keep practicing, and soon you’ll be ready to trade in a live account with confidence. Best of luck on your trading journey!

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Congrats on completing Pre-school! :blush: Looove the spirit. :blush: I hope you keep it up! :smiley: I think it’s also a good to learn about the basics, then putting them into practice on demo. :smiley: Good luuuuck!

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Welcome nkoa. I admire your tenacity. It could have been worse. You could have bought a couple of ounces of dope, or a few grams of cocaine. Worse still - downed 20 bottles of alcohol. Or you could have been brainless and blew the whole £2K or more using a credit card.

The fact that you restricted your bank to £500 was a great start, and now you have found arguably the best free education course on trading in the world, and certainly a dedicated crowd to hang around with virtually. I started Forex trading in 2010, and it has taken me about 15 years to THINK that I am now profitable. That still doesn’t mean I will remain profitable, but it is far more likely that I will than I won’t. No other pursuit in my life has taken this long to prove to myself that “I can do it”, and no other subject matter have I spent more total time on than trading in general (including Forex).

You are in good company with Babypips.


Good step to start a journal. Maybe it will keep you consistent in your trading. It was really hard at first doing it, and still is, but it keeps me coming back and making sure I’m doing what I need to do.

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