NAV does not equal starting balance + P/L, why?

Oanda platform


Starting balance: 100,000

NAV: 77,003.57

P/L: -16,827.46

How is P/L calculated here? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!

At the top of my page, there is an Account" tab. Open that up and look at it. At least some of it
is “transaction costs” and “financing fees”.
Yeah. It stinks.

Is this taking into account your margin that was required to enter these trades?

It shouldn’t. You automatically “pay” the spread with buying at ask/selling at bid, I believe?
I have a non-commission account, so those are some(?) of the fees?
For comparison purposes, my Realized Profit is $399.49 and my NAV is only up $309.47.

If by “margin”, jafooly, you mean the cost of the currency, then yes. You have to “borrow” the base currency(I believe?) and if it’s at a higher borrowing cost, then you are charged.

Correct. I guess it depends on the platform, but I know Oanda is a pain in the ass and not as clear as other platforms.

I just got off the chat with an Oanda rep and yes, the difference is financing (overnight interest spreads) and commissions. The spread cost will be included in P/L.

Happy hunting.