Need a broker, 19yrs old

Hey there, currently i live in singapore and i am looking for a new broker. Previously i was with Hymarket because back then i was 18 and they allowed me to create an account.

However, after comparing spreads, i felt it wasn’t that good of a broker compared to oanda.

Therefore do any of you out there know a good broker that lets 19 year old trade?


I believe the most common age limit actually is 18 years, so you should be fine with a lot of brokers. Have you tried doing the reverse instead - looking for a broker you like and then checking the age limit? It might not be the best idea to choose a broker just based on your age but rather what they offer and how they operate. What are you looking for in terms of broker model, execution, support, regulation etc?

My advice would be to compare brokers, pick a few you like and contact them. You would probably get your answers very fast as most brokers have live chats on their websites.

Hope that helps! If it turns out that your top picks do have a higher age limit, maybe the members here can narrow down the list of potential brokers for you.

I think that you can trade with any broker you want. Also you can create an account on your parents or best friends documents - but i don’t recommend you this way :wink: