Need help in selecting broker

this is not necessarily true

i have advised people on one broker from time to time.
now i don’t like to recommend brokers to people because of the obvious way that it comes across.

but when they ask, i have stated only 1 broker
it doesn’t mean i’m a scammer
it doesn’t mean i’m wrong either

choosing a broker needs to be taken with a grain of salt and so does advice that you get from people

Broker selection has become a million dollar task since among thousands of electronic brokerage houses around the world the number of genuine brokers is diminutive, so new traders like you are getting confused. however, do conduct all due diligence before selecting nay broker and you can go through all the reviews of above mentioned broker to find out that which broker best fits to your requirements.

i disagree
i think people just make too big of a deal of it

do Research
pick one
simple as that

Yes almost thousands brokers are available in online forex trading and most of them are found to be scams. That’s why we newcomers fall a great trouble when choosing a broker. we have to choose the platform which allows our trading style and requirements. otherwise trading life will become hell.