Need registered 1:1000 leverage broker

Another option is this:
Open the account with 1:1000/2000 leverage, fund it with your $200, open the biggest position you can, put a stop loss which is near your stop-out level ( or if not don’t even bother with a SL), trade just before or after the news or in periods of strong volatility, cross your fingers (or don’t as the “signal provider” you signed up to promises 140% returns in the first week, and they can’t be lying cos they have a one page website with loads of testimonials), blow the account in one move, then go onto a forum and tell everyone not to trust that “scam” broker because he “hunted your stops” or has software that monitored your trade and changed the price feed to make you loose all your money …
you don’t have to of course, just saying…

My logic would then deduce that any broker offering that type of leverage is either a scam or unregulated.

That’s a little crazy… but I like it ahahah :wink:
Sounds like playing the blacks/reds on the roulette but with a better return ratio :wink:
Btw, wich broker are you talking about ? (offering 1000 or 2000 leverage?)

Honestly, I dunno, any of the ones they were talking about earlier in the thread :slight_smile:

NO … simple as that

Mate some of us do take trading seriously. I had more common sense when i put a few k of aud into the asx. Sometimes it better to put down the gloves and give money to people that need it. To young and no respect for money.

What drug are you taking, I want a little.

Hei, is it possible when broker promise to us they give deposit bonus, then we withdraw all of our fund + bonus?? Deposit again – got bonus again and withdraw again. Repeat this trick will be multiple that percentage!!

Or like this, when we withdraw our money, they will give withdraw bonus. Then, what we do just take all our money, then deposit again, take again, deposit again??? How many percentage we will have??

Or bonuses when we invite somebody to their broker and get bonuses with that. We just do find our poor friend and work together with him. We rent our money with our friend and register with them. And then withdraw our first money. Our friend then search another poor friend and again do the same trick. Repeat this will make we rich??

First step:
A rent his money to B and register B to his lovely broker
A withdraw his money

Second step:
A rent his money to C. But this time B register C.
B withdraw his money

Third step:
A rent his money to D. But this time C register D.
C withdraw his money

Repeat this trick should make we quick rich??

This is holy grail from scammer and bucket shop due to their existence??

So many scammer should be so many chance to get money with this trick??

Ok, now call me [B]Master[/B] coz found this holygrail and [B]justice[/B] for scammer and bucket shop

you cant withdraw the bonus … :26:

You are kidding right? I’m confused, language barrier prevents me from picking up on the presence or not of sarcasm…

Paladin, I could not resist to follow that link, although I knew better… I used that site as well, it is great!!! It gave me all the information I needed to trade forex and earn a living from it. Not smart that you shared it with the others though! It is like giving money away for free!!!

What a coincident… We have the same wishlist… Well, except for the Arabic support team, I wouldn’t understand them. And, did you find the broker that offers this all? Am very curious about it.