Need registered 1:1000 leverage broker

i ask you to recommend me a good broker with these requirements
firstable requirements are a must
2-1:1000 leverage or 1:800 or 1:2000
3-micro lot order size
4-stp broker or ecn broker
5-minimum deposit not exceed 100 usd

secondable requirements are not a must but perferable
1-fixed spread
2-at least 3 years old more older better
3-0.001 lot order size
4-has arabic support team
5-has 50 couples
6-allow xau/usd micro lot size order
7-same user name and password to all platforms
8-has a mobile platform
or if you donot know all of these requirements about the forex brokers
send me a link to a site contain a schedule contain this kind of date of forex brokers you know like imdb for movies
anyone will recommend me a broker he must made a big withdraw from it

mesi79 - I can give you a few brokers that offer 1:1000 leverage. Not sure what you mean by registered. I searched atleast 30 brokers before settling with one of the big boys. Do you mean regulated ?

There is no ECN broker that offers that kind of leverage … real ECN offers 1:100 … no higher than that:17:

iam not sure if vantage uk is a real ECN … they offer all points you mentioned above … but 1:500 leverage

Same - not 1:500 though - 1:400 seems a lot more common these days. The requirements stated in the original post are not realistic expectations unless you plan on depositing money with random post office box.

Pretty much agree, those expectations are unrealistic unless you want to move into bucketshop galore…

You forgot to add to that list of requirements:

Accepts unrealistic and unprofitable traders.

What reasoning can you possibly have to need so much leverage?

$100 dollar deposit how else is he going to get rich overnight?

hehehe…nice :smiley:

Lord (or Allah) have mercy … I’ve seen many posts with really weird ‘requirements’, but this one tops them all.

The best part are the last three lines: first state outrageous requirements, then demand a broker comparison website, finally insist on a large withdrawal having been made to be allowed the privilege of sharing broker info.

Dude, don’t worry about withdrawal … with a hundred bucks at 1:2000 leverage, you’ll never withdraw anything.

But because it’s Christmas soon, I’ll share my special information website with you.
Please keep this link to yourself … if too many people know about it, it’ll become useless.


this web has many knowledge i have found about 1000 broker According to the specifications above … i do recommend that web …:18:

hello dan82au whereare your 30 brokers

hello paladinfx
my fiirstable requiremnts exist in exness forex broker from russia has 1:2000 leverage
and insta forex broker from russia 1:1000 leveragebut they are scam and a lot of people advice to stay away from them
and there is fx clearing 1:1000from canada but not regulated
and fx optimax nzltd 1:1000 leverage and i ask if any one trade with them but some people say it is good and others say it is bad
and fx glory from united arab emirates 1:3000 but they are scam
and fxvv from united arab emirates 1:2000 leverage but not regulated
and trade forte but not regulated but 1:1000 leverage
so you see i count 7 forex broker but they either scam or not regulated
of course there is more i donot know about them and i thought that i will get new informations from vivsitors not useless comments
and about 100$ it is just a beginning i do not want lose a lot of money because world of forex full of scam

Definitely make use of google in your search and perhaps the forex peace army forum. The leverage is way to high to be offered by a reputable broker imo. Drop the leverage requirement down to 1:400 and increase your minimum deposit to $200usd and you can go with someone like pepperstone(ecn) that is regulated and been around for a reasonable amount of time(assuming ofcourse you are not trading from the US).

Thanks Paladin , I’ve heard really good things about your special information website, I will definetely use it and recommend it to my friends!!
hahaha made me chuckle greatly :smiley:

My opionion : forget about worrying about “scam” brokers as you put it. If you trade with such high leverage and small deposit the biggest obstacle to your succesful trading is not the broker, but yourself!
No offence intended, just sometimes I (and others) think it is something you should consider.
Good luck

if u want to use any of these brokers that offer 1:1000 leverage just deposit 200$ and make 1000$ and withdraw … if you lose just dont use again … i have done this with exness broker i made 1400$ from 300$ initial … but dont get so tempted when you see you balance grow just get out happy from there … dont continue trading when you reach 1000% gains … cause there is eyes from broker that is watching

That simple, eh?

my answer exactly

Why didn’t I think of this before??! genius!