i ask you to recommend me a good broker with these requirements
firstable requirements are a must
2-1:1000 leverage or 1:800 or 1:2000
3-micro lot order size
4-stp broker or ecn broker
5-minimum deposit not exceed 100 usd
secondable requirements are not a must but perferable
1-fixed spread
2-at least 3 years old more older better
3-0.001 lot order size
4-has arabic support team
5-has 50 couples
6-allow xau/usd micro lot size order
7-same user name and password to all platforms
8-has a mobile platform
or if you donot know all of these requirements about the forex brokers
send me a link to a site contain a schedule contain this kind of date of forex brokers you know like imdb for movies
any one will recommend a broker at he must made big withdraw from it