Negative impacts on your trading

“You got lucky! Trading is just a gamble, and you’ll lose everything eventually.”
I once heard this from a friend and it has a great negative impact on me
what would you react to that guy?
dose these feedbacks have any impact on you?

Maybe that guy didn’t find right path, or he loose patient or blow up account or other stuff :wink: profitable trading is the result of many factors that are sometimes beyond our control, for me

is not true

Use it as motivation to prove your friend wrong. Stay confident, continue learning, and surround yourself with supportive people who understand your goals.

Make sure your trading depends on a consistently profitable strategy and not on luck. Then you will have the last laugh.

Great question, is trading gambling. For one, I guess depends where you are. Some UK folks will say it’s gambling because of how the law works over there I think.

For me, it’s a gamble every time I place a trade. Nothing is guaranteed in trading. I’m taking a calculated risk (hopefully!) with every trade, and in a way, that’s just like gambling. The difference is the odds might be more in my favor trading than sitting at a craps table.

For me it’s a payment for a nice juicy apple from a street trader. Either it is nice and juicy or it isn’t,

It is a gamble for him because he does not know how to put the odds in his favor.

He isn’t right because to earn from the market, patience, good forecast are needed for so you need better market analysis where we are blind.

Gambling approach can be taken for earning more within a short time even though it’s not an acceptable approach. Forex is not gambling rather it’s a legal financial market.

people will say things like that always
when you live with family that dont trade forex you hear it all time
they will say and you have to dont pay attention
if you just dont listen to them you will grow up
if now they can effect you in future they can effect you in bigger fields like your body and your marry
so dont care about them

Since we can learn about forex and there are some individuals who attempt a lot and are experts in this field, my response to this question is untrue, and I do not view it as a gamble.

When you know he doesn’t have any knowledge about forex, then why will you waste your time reacting?

Gambling and trading are essentially dissimilar from one another. Both involve risk and have the potential to result in financial gains or losses. Traders want to increase their chances of success in the financial markets by concentrating on skill development, disciplined execution, and risk management.

Yes, you said the right because I also think that wasting time in proving others won’t be a wise decision.