Neuro streght predictor

hey guys

Quickly want to show you the neuro streght predictor.It’s real simple when you get a light green bar you buy or light red bar you sell.Now i know systems like these get a bad rap mostly because they tend not to work very well.However with this system on the 15m frame and higher you get a fairly good accuracy rate.

Also i trade only in the direction of the 4 hour trend and i only take trades between 7am-10am gmt time.Having said that this last week i was mostly flat either no trades were triggered during these hours or the signals i got were against the 4 hour trend.

Have a look you should know that i’m not trying to sell you anything i’m only making a recommedation.If you’re intrested great ask me any questions or charts you would like to see.

hey guys

Even though japan the u.s and canada all had a bank holiday i entered a trade anyway cause i trade the london session.In hindsight maybe it was not such a good idea.I made my 60 pips anyway but it took the entire day.I use a stop-loss of 30 pips.You get a fair accuracy rate and will most definetly be profitable in the long run.

Have a look.