Neuro streght predictor

hey guys

i’ve decided to switch my live trading to the neuro streght predictor.I’ve committed myself to take 20 live trades and see what happens afterward.I’d like to share my first live trade with this system.

I have a arrow to show a buy trade that i skipped because i have a red candle on the 4hour frame.This buy trade that i skipped was followed by a big downtrend where i captured 60 pips with a stop-loss of 30 pips.This downtrend lasted into the next day followed by a buy trade that triggred a couple of hours before i was ready to trade but it does not matter because it went against the 4hour trend and even if i were in front of the pc i would have skipped that as well.This uptrend is still on going.

I still have 19 live trades to go but at least i’m 60 pips in the green.With a risk/reward ratio of 1/2 i’d be able to make money even with a 50% accuracy rate.Having siad that not all my winning trades will be 60 pips neither will all my losing trades be 30 pips.I’d just have to see where i am after i’ve entered my 20 trades.

Two weeks from now i will buy another system from the same seller and i will share a screen shot or two.Still got 19 live trades left so wish me luck.I’ve been watching this system for weeks now noticing what trades triggerd and whether it is with or against the 4 hour trend.I decided that since it is better than the system i was trading live then that it is time to make a switch.I will get back to you after i entered the remaining 19 trades and share my stats.


Never heard of this, what makes you place confidence in it?

I’ve forgottan about this thread i wrote.The neuro streght predictor is a usefull indicator…it’s a system on it’s own but i can also be used as a trend filter.I will attach one chart where i used in in conjuction with the trend stuffer indicator.I’m in the process of testing the unison of these indicators or as i like to call it the neuro stuffer.Have a look