My guess, never have more that 2% of your capital at risk “in” the market at one time.
Otherwise my math tells me - 2% per trade - If I generally open 3 trades (my per trade) having a T.P. point at short gain, then medium gain, then go for it gain. (to me this is 1 trade) so All three open positions = 2% of capital.
BUT continuing the math tells me that’s one trade , I can go ahead and open another set and another set on different pairs - -OHH - now I have 6% risk.
Is this correct thinking - - (one should NOT open 3 sets and risk 6%) or is this common practice, cause I didn’t risk more than 2% per trade.
some places I see someone asking (I want 30% return per year) or some other says - I make 4% per week 4% per week? is that 208% per year - double your money then double it again?
AND - now - what I kinda don’t get - If I risk 2% - I want to know that I am risking this in anticipation of making money - not breaking even -so I want potential to make 4% - now keep in mind this is a open and close all positions in 1 day operation daytrader -
4% per day holy shhooottt (where am I wrong - whats the fuzzy part of the math)
Like you said no more than 2% of your trading account per trade.
The idea is that if you only risk a small amount on the trade you should live long enough in the game to learn and get confident in what you are doing.
Just like Johnny said you have to be comfortable with the amount that you risk.
If you are just starting out breaking even is an achievement in itself. Alot of poeple lose alot of money rushing into things head first. I am one.
If you are breaking even in the begining and stick with it you will improve and start to make money. Just keep learning and tweaking your system.