New babypip

Hello to all Babypip Forum members. My name is Thembi Ndlela from South Africa. I have no background in Forex trading at all. My interest in exploring Forex trading was sparked last year at the National Achievers Congress.
As a single mother of 2 daughters I have been investigating ways of making passive income. I have a full time job and trading seemed the best way to do this. This year I decided to act on it so I asked a trader here what resource he would recommend for me to use to learn about FX and he recommended Babypips.
I find Babypips to be a valuable resource for me and I have committed to learn at least 1 chapter a day. So far I doing well still crawling.
Hope to engage more as I start walking.

Greetings Thembi and welcome to the community! Thanks for sharing your story with us and we hope that you continue to find our School of Pipsology to be a valuable resource. And there’s nothing with crawling before you walk. Best to learn the right way from the beginning rather than the wrong way and blow out your account right away. Good luck and hope to hear more from you soon! :slight_smile:

Hello Ndlela!
Yes the resources and the community here is great! As Pipcrawler mentioned, try School of Pipsology.
Single mother, seems like mine family story. Im sure that you don’t have a lot of free time.
My advice is to start with some company that have no fees, free and fast webinar and good starting promotions.