New Belgium Member

Hello Everybody

I’am Michael from Belgium 31years en I’m really inspired to trade.
I do it almost 3years, and I’ve found this site, and I loved it.
I’m a newbie in forex!
My goal is to learn and read as much as possible and get out of it what’s really important for me.
I Want to learn how to be patient spend time on getting a good trade plan, solution and improve it day by day.
I also want to find a way to trade automatically.
I somebody had nice tips/tricks you can tell me.


Hi Michael.

So far I haven’t spent enough time in Belgium. A 3-day trip to Bruges, another to Ghent, and a quick meal between trains in Brussels. Not enough time!

Good luck with trading.

Hello Tommor

That isn’t enough time indeed.
It’s a nice small country hopefully you have more time later to check it out properly.

Thank you, you 2 good luck with trading!

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Welcome @MichaelBlommaert! :smiley: I don’t know much about Belgium, but I do loooove your chocolate! :smiley: Haha. :slight_smile: I hope you enjoy it here! We’ll always be cheering for you! :slight_smile: Good luck!

I recommend this informative link:

Hello @ria_rose yes the chocolate is the best here :smile:
Yes I like it here, it’s a very good community en very good topics a lot to read in!

@Aaronpp thank you very much for the link!

Hi Michael! I wish you luck in going after your goals and hope to hear more from you!

Welcome to bp @MichaelBlommaert! Not sure if I understood you. You’ve been trading for 3 years already? :blush:

Hello @chimmyfx thank you wish you also the best!

Thank you @CoinLady, Yes :slight_smile: I know it’s not much but it’s a start :wink: I need to start somewhere but never traded currency’s…

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Oh I think that’s already a substantial time. I’ve only been learning how to trade for a year. :blush:

I’m still a beginner 3yeard is not a lot of time.
Did you already trade a lot in forex? Do you trade manually or automated? Alfeady found some setups?

I’ve been demo trading for a year but I haven’t been very consistent because of time constraints. :sweat: I trade manually.

This is also my problem. Until now, I’m still going through the School.

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@chimmyfx It’s just so hard to find time to focus on trading while doing other things. :sweat: