New broker

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know anything about this broker? They are fairly new, i believe they just opened at the beginning of this year. They do have some trustpilot reviews. But has also been sited as a scan.

Thanks in advance for your input.


Hi Miglay and welcome to the forum.

Out of hundreds of potential brokers, a lot of new members ask the forum members if anyone has experience with a particular broker. Please do a forum search (the magnifying glass at the top right next to your avatar on your screen) on “broker” and read some threads.

I assume that either they contacted you or you found them via a web search, probably the former. Remember the adage “would you buy a second hand car from this man?” and go for one of the top 10 brokers used in your country. Remember nobody was ever fired in IT for choosing IBM. Best of luck with the search and NO, I have never heard of them.

Dude, they no record of anything. Their online profile is blank. How did you find them? There are many brokers discussed here, you could not choose one?