New edition to Forex!

Here to get the education, I need to take my life to the next level . I’ve tried so many things to keep my self distanced from that 9-5 . That most people seem to be comfortable with but i desire much more !! Most and foremost be my own boss and do as I see fit with my time . Hardworking self-motivated mindset , strive to be the best at everything I do in search for financial freedom . Need to break family cycle , somebody has to do it , so i will take advantage of this opportunity and run with it till the wheels fall off . :money_mouth_face:

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Welcome. Great attitude.Take it easy, one step at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor is becoming a successful trader.

I think most traders come to trading for financial freedom. It is a great place to learn and communicate with traders.

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most welcome in this community , have a very good journey.

hi and welcome.

Adversity introduces a man to himself.

Trading will bring out some of your flaws. Brace yourself.

And watch out for “fear of missing out.”

sounds really good when any kind of newcomers willing to learn. most of the beginners level always try to bring profit with no learning.

“New edition to Forex!”


Welcome to babypips! You have come with a great mindset. If you do your learning the right way, you will go a long way. Just keep faith and keep putting effort.