Hey, everyone! I’m new to Forex and just learned about it a few days ago from my husband. I don’t have a lot of experience in trading and investing. So, my goal here is to learn the basics of trading and become a pro. My dream is to make enough money trading so I can retire early without having to worry about finances and pass these skills down to my kids.
First construct a plan. Here’s a link.
There is no short cut. It will take months to learn the basics, and years to become a pro. Experience counts a lot, so aim to become proficient first.
Welcome to the community, @Faile. Start with the education section here if you’re not doing that yet. It’s the best place to start for beginners. Good luck on your fx trading journey.
Welcome Faile! You’ve come to the right place! Take your time learning and good luck on your trading journey!
Is your husband a trader too? Because you could learn from him of course . If not, the education section here at BABYPIPS is really good. You’ll learn the basics well.
As a newbie one should focus on developing skills. Successful trading requires a lot of skills both technical and psychological. Start your learning.
Hi! I think that Forex can help you meet those goals, as long as you put the effort into it. I hope your dreams come true! Good luck