New forex trading book out - has anyone bought this?

Published just this month. Anyone familiar with this guy?

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Ask yourself: What information could possibly be in there that you cannot find on babypips or youtube videos or other free online resource. Don’t waste your money.


Never heard of him butbabypips school kicks ass

I’ve never read a book specifically on forex trading and I’m not sure that I would.

My objections to forex trading books (and training) -

you’re paying for someone’s collation efforts, not their knowledge - all successful strategies that a private retail trader can use are known and are freely available: the best for beginners will take a couple of days to understand, less time than it takes to order and read a book.

I suspect learning private retail trading from Brent is going to be like learning first aid from a brain surgeon - in this regard, Brent comes from the HSBC trading floor - how realistic is this experience to what we’re doing?

trading books have to cover all styles of trading to maximise audience, so they have to be superficial on any given style - maybe it would be better to find a high-probability style and focus on strategies that respond to it?

all trading training courses and books are inherently incomplete - if they were complete, who would buy the second edition? Who would buy the follow-up? Would the guy’s publisher and editor really allow him to sell everything he had in one title?

all trading training is inherently hesitant and designed to help you get poor very very slowly - not so fast that you can take out litigation against the author - not so fast that you won’t buy another book or course. You definitely won’t get rich on just the knowledge contained - rich traders don’t buy trading books.

Cynical? Maybe. But I’d still like to see a review of this title please, anyone?

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Not even for trading psychology? :open_mouth:

Yes, reading your explanation in that 2nd to the last paragraph, I was about to say it is a bit cynical but you beat me to it. But yes, that’s also why I was looking for someone who’s read/bought it. It’s too soon though and I don’t really trust Amazon for reviews when it’s just been released.


I have read books on trader psychology and on TA and various trading strategies but none related specifically to forex. In fact, a lot of the TA I learned should not be directly translated to forex trading.

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There is a preview on google books fwiw…'s+Guide+to+the+Foreign+Exchange+Market+(Wiley+Trading)+1st+Edition+PDF&source=bl&ots=_EteCE5OVh&sig=ACfU3U1bph_IEkIP9nskpqHbpOLu9TMh4g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizlLfS1_DiAhUO7qwKHbcJClUQ6AEwBXoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false

I can understand where @tommor is coming from. I had no financial, investment or trading background, so as an avid reader I consumed a lot of pages. What I have found, despite all the authors promoting/spelling out their strategies and systems, non of them really worked for me at all. I have been working on what is shaping up to be a pretty simple trading program that fit’s my work and family schedule and my desire not to be staring at charts all day.

Good luck,



Never heard of him. :open_mouth: I don’t think I’ve seen him among the authors recommended by Pipcrawler too. :thinking: BUT then again it doesn’t automatically mean that it’s no good. :thinking: Have you tried buying it? :slight_smile:

judging by the cover it’s just another book that’s been derive from another.

Isn’t there some kind of saying about that? :rofl::rofl:



Wanted to ask if there are people here who’ve bought it first! Looks like no one yet. Maybe I’ll skip for now.


Did you check out the google books link above? The “preview” contains the first 119 pages.

Good luck,


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I never heard of him. The only trading book I have read is Naked forex and it was amazing.

“Ask yourself: What information could possibly be in there that you cannot find on babypips or youtube videos or other free online resource. Don’t waste your money.” I like to add something but I really can’t. Reread it again please if you don’t get it.

This book is solid I just finished it Goes way beyond basic techs and simple setups More about macro and correlation trading The guy is legit well known in interbank :+1:t2:

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What other forex books have you read? And how does this book compare to those? :slight_smile: