Hi, ya’ll! I am here to hopefully learn enough about the market to be able to purchase my dream car Lamborghini Urus
Welcome and best wishes for you
Got ten years of experience behind you? Or if you’re starting from scratch you could pin a picture of your dream car on your trading wall.
Mind you we’ll all be settled in Mars by then.
Welcome here and hope you will enjoy your stay here!
Hi and welcome to the forum,
There are other options than purchase, and if your trading were to become that successful, you would want to maintain the cash flows from a big bank instead of diluting it to buy a Lambo.
A few years back I took my 9 year old son into the local Lambo dealer in Stockport. He was staring through the window and drooling. I asked him if he wanted to sit inside one and pretend to drive it. His eyes widened like saucers. So I said “tell this bloke in the suit that your mother is in the Middle East collecting commissions from a big sale in Dubai, and that she has asked you to come in to check the cost of various options to lease”. And then ask if you can sit in the driver’s seat in that yellow one over there"
Being very extrovert, he did exactly as I had asked and the salesman obliged this nine year old dual national. Whilst he left my son to poke around at the dashboard, he just came over and said "here’s my business card. Please bring your wife in when she returns from her business trip. We would be happy to talk through lease options. Here is a rate card for the various options.
When my wife came home, she told Omar we would not be leasing the Lambo just yet - we’d have to make sure the mortgage was paid first
If you are aiming for a lambo, perhaps trading in crypto is a much better option
I will keep that in the back of my mind
People been traveling to mars for quite some time now
Welcome! Good choice for a dream car, I’m rooting for you to get there. Just stick with it and don’t give up and I’m sure you’ll get there someday.
Hello and welcome. I’m more of an aventador kinda guy. Wish you the best of luck. Start with the education section. And read the courses. From start to finish and absorb. Theres alot so make some time. It will equip you with what you need to know
Hello and welcome! It’s great that you have such big dreams. But keep in mind that you will have to work hard to make it a reality. Forex trading is not that easy.
myself nash devas how are you
So far so good. Just reading up on all these topics and practicing on a daily basis
You are most welcome here. As you have planned it well that you have learn enough. Please take a note that enough means a lot as far as forex trading is concerned. You may have to wait more than you think to buy a lamborghini, but surely you will be able to do so. All you have to do is being patient with the learning and the market.