New here to trading

Hello, I’m MrCartwright427. Totally new to this world. My reasons for being here are to create financial freedom and generational wealth. I’ve never done any trading and don’t even know where to start. I’ve been reading books watching videos about it but still need basic training.

Welcome on board. Some brokers have instructions on their website for how to use the software. Start with a demo account and have a play, do the free course on here. Best of luck

the demo is a very good solution for the traders who are particularly beginners , but i have seen most of the traders who are particularly beginners always ignore this educational place.

instead of demo i think it is more appropriate to trade in a micro account to make sure a live trading experience . its my own opinion .

micro account can be dangerous for the traders who are beginners , because there is a real money on trading , so i never suggest that is.