New member here, hi all :)

Hi all, I have one live account that is managed by a trader to whom my friend introduced me (they provide this service to investors and not learners who wanna trade on their own due to work and other commitments). So, watching how the trader is managing my account sparked my interest in learning forex on my own to truly understand what are the indicators and drives that allow that person open certain positions. In parallel, I tried playing with the demo account that I kept blowing, and the lack of education made me more upset, thus started looking into where to start. After following Reddit groups, babypips was the top recommendation to start from, hence here I am finally joining today your community.

I am completely new to this market (or any other for that matter), therefore will be benefitting greatly from the forums here and courses provided for us here. If you have any advice for a newbie like me, do not hesitate to suggest it. I keep reading that a huge emphasis is on psychology, and with the demo account I already noticed my weaknesses, but not understanding the strategies and lack of knowledge is what swings my emotions even more. I do not even dare to live trade yet because I am aware of my shortcomings and perhaps will take years until I become brave enough to risk anything. So, hit your recommendations at me and please share your course of progression in your learning as well to understand whether I am going in the right direction. Are there any books, channels to watch, or forums to read that you can recommend after finishing Babypips? And please share your insights and takeaways from your own experiences while advancing in this sphere of life? Thank you all in advance and can’t wait to finally start learning about forex properly and more importantly, learn about my trading potential.

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Hi and welcome to BP community :slight_smile: I think, the education section will be good as a start. Regards Greg

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Welcome! Remember, trading is a journey that requires time, patience, and continuous learning. Don’t rush into live trading until you feel confident and have a solid understanding of the market. Take small steps, focus on learning, and gradually build your skills. Good luck on your trading journey!


Welcome to the community, @babypipsscout. Start with the education section here. It’s the best place to start for beginners. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Here is a link for when you’re ready.

Welcome to the community! It won’t be an easy journey so stay motivated and be patient. Good luck and see you around!

Learn more about Technical Analysis, Fundamental Analysis and Investor Behaviors

Hi all.
I am also interested in your forum. I hope here I will find answers to my questions.

Welcome to the community, @Hugueslemoine. Start with the education section here if you haven’t checked that out yet.

Thank you. I will definitely look there.

You’re welcome. Just ask away if some things aren’t clear to you. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome to the kind community of babypips.
I intend to read pipsology and its glossary, and I recommend that you do as well.

what sources do find useful for technical analysis?

Welcome! Feel free to ask any questions you may have. This community is filled with amazing members who would love to help out.