New member here :)

Hi guys, my name is Jason. I am in my 30s and excited to be here. I guess I have some basic knowledge like I know what S/L and S:R and I know some indicators but I don´t have much experience. Most of this stuff I learned in the cryptro space.
I am glad I found this forum. I was almost down to join some youtube forex community but I feel like this is the right place :slight_smile:
I will start with the school and then go from there.

I am grateful for every advice.

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Welcome. Enjoy your time here learning on this great education site. Take it easy,one step at a time. See if FX trading suits you and your lifestyle. Best of luck.

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Welcome, study hard!

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Welcome to the community, @Skeletortrade. Is that youtube community a paid service? Hope to hear more from you.

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Thank you :slight_smile: yes it was a paid service or several. I couldn´t decide which one to join so I started googeling and then I found this forum!

Have you experience with paid service?

Hey Jason, welcome to the community. Remember that patience and discipline are the keys to success.

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Hi Jason! I think this site is really good for beginners. I always felt like learning here was less frustrating than doing so in other various places online. I’m glad you decided to join!

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Thank you! I will remember it.

Thank you! Currently going through the school. I really like the structure and the explanation of the classes.