New Member: Hi everyone, I'm Marie!

Hello Everyone! My name is Marie and I’m from Texas, though I’ve been traveling abroad since I was 16. I’m now 19 years old for the past 2 years have worked for myself as a Social Media Marketer. My sisters introduced me to baby pips and main reason for joining is because for a while I’ve wanted to get into forex trading and also be able to have another stream of income that can fuel all of my other future business ideas and projects.:blush:

Hello @MM_Johnson! Welcome to the BabyPips community! It’s great to have you here, glad you’ve made your first post! And also very happy to see you starting so young! Where are you now in the School of Pipsology?

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Wow. I am jealous of the youth nowadays. I just came from a post from another newbie who is a 16-year-old. I admire how early you are certain with your choices and how mature they are. I hope every youth would have a mindset like yours. Welcome! I’m rooting for your success.

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@Cestrader Thank you Soo much! And it’s a pleasure to meet you☺️.

@Ananais Thank you!! I literally just started yesterday and am in the preschool level. I think almost halfway through.:blush:

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That’s awesome! Don’t rush the process. But also don’t dilly dally! Good luck and if you have any questions, the forums will just be here!

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@Ananais Thank you! And I will

Hi Marie! It’s good that you have come here to learn forex trading. This is the best place where you can get in touch with forex experts to get solutions for your problems.

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Hello Marie, welcome to the community. It indeed was a pleasant surprise to see you interested in trading at such a young age. I would say make the most of it by learning all about the trade and how the market runs with trading courses that will introduce you to the do’s and don’ts. Get yourself acquainted with jargons like what’s PIPS, what tools and platforms are required for trading, leverage options, and currency pairs. Best of luck for your future as a trader!

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@rosyunit Thank you and thanks for the advice! I appreciate it♥️

@weamyikea Thank you! :slight_smile: