New Member Introduction

Hey Y’all!

I started learning about stocks 1 year ago, but recently became interested in Forex. I heard on a Podcast that I can learn here, so here I am. I have invested $$ in other stock/options courses, so I wanted to see see how much I can learn about Forex from a trusted (recommended) source.

My goal is to be able to trade for living, travel, and put my kids through college/university when the time comes (in a few years).

Looking forward to learning and sharing in the community.


Welcome aboard this free education site. Focus on earning, and let rewards, if any, take care of themselves. There is no short cut to consistent success.

Best of luck.

Hello & welcome to the forum!

May we know the name of the podcast?

Great Goal. Always keep sight on that.

This is the key phrase. Rushing never did anyone good. So take your time to learn well before you enter the market. Jump into education section and keep learning.

Good Luck!

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The podcast was Trading Nut

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Thank you!

Don’t put pressure on yourself to be making money by a specific time. Arguably it will have the opposite effect on your trading.

It’s nice to meet you! I’m hoping that trading can have a positive impact on my kid’s lives as well. It already has been to some degree. Wishing you all the luck. :four_leaf_clover: