New member sends his greetings!

Heyas… I am Victor (online name is “Kahbrohn” - an old name I used to use when I was into online gaming).
I presently live in Puerto Rico (US Territory) and will be retiring within about 2.5 years.

I am getting into Forex Trading as a complete rookie. I mean like zero experience. My intentions are not only to make some additional money during retirement (not intending to get rich but if that happens, so much the better!) but to occupy myself during retirement as well.

I welcome any questions, suggestions, concerns, help, or comments regarding my future path into Forex Trading.

Hello Victor, well come to baby pips,

First of all, forget about making money, but learn how not to lose money. There is no short cut to eventual success. This great education site will help you on your way. I also suggest you practice and experiment on a demo account to see if FX trading suits you and your lifestyle.

Best of luck.

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Welcome Victor.

My gaming name was (still my PS5 login name) itch-in-my-pants, I thought if I was having to choose a name it better be one people will remember. However, most other gamers seemed to shorten it to itchy!

Anyway, I agree with steve369, you need to learn how not to loss money trading to be able to make money, and that’s not an easy thing to do. Education is key, and if your throw yourself into the education process I’m sure it’ll fill all your time during retirement.

I wish you luck on your trading journey.

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Welcome to the community, Victor! Start with the education section here. It’s the best place for beginners. Enjoy your stay and good luck on your trading journey.

Hey Victor! Welcome! You’ve got some exciting plans for your retirement. Good luck with your journey! Hope you’ll find it both financially rewarding and a great way to keep you busy!