New noob:)

Hello, new noob here. I still have a lot to read on this site, but i have already started my demo training. I want to know how long can I have a position opened, I know that probably a position gets closed automaticly if you lose certain amount of pips…how many pisp is that, how do I calculate that and what if the price is still or moving slowly…is there a time limit to a buy or sell position ?

Thanks for the info.

Hello, new noob here. I still have a lot to read on this site, but i have already started my demo training. I want to know how long can I have a position opened, I know that probably a position gets closed automaticly if you lose certain amount of pips…how many pisp is that, how do I calculate that and what if the price is still or moving slowly…is there a time limit to a buy or sell position ?

There is, for all practical purposes, no limit to how long you can have a position open.

At least as long as one doesn’t get a margin call :wink:

byteminister, as you go through the school, the answers will become known to you…that’s what it’s there for. :slight_smile:

Thabks for the info. Yes Im well aware of that, my trading is getting better every page more I read and understand. But still it is fun to see the patterns and take advantage of them.

This forum doesn’t work right I think. On previous post I wrote more than just thanks :confused:

well, I’m assuming you didn’t get the more detailed answer you seek…that answer you desire can easily be found by using the wonderful little search button on the page your looking at now.

It’s simple really.

Click on it, theres this little drop down box, and type in whatever question you want. I can guarantee you will find it.

No, answer was good:) I was just confused, because the new message posted in this forum is listed as first. Im am used of the opposite. I guess this can be configured. Thanks for the searching tip anyway.