New on the Block

Hello all. Newbie looking to learn about opportunities to make money.

Welcome to the site! I think there are a lot of different ways to make money on the side, but forex definitely offers a lot of potential if you’re prepared to stick with it and put in the work. Good luck!

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So you have a plan in place? Most newbies lose whatever money they put in their account. There are only two outcomes to FX trades, either adding to or deducting from your account. Therefore, it’s sensible to preserve your capital all the time. Which means managing risk, your only control over the market.

As for opportunities, there are plenty every day. Your aim is to be on the right side of a trade, which you’ll need to learn how, and even then unless you are detached from the live trades, you’ll experience emotional FEAR & PAIN all the time.

Which means you need to accept it as the norm, which most traders don’t because they’re focusing on making money instead.

Simple it is, easy it isn’t.

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