New Reverse Martingale type EA

As you know the risk to use martingale EA is when we face huge up/down trend witout any pull back.

Attached is a Reverse Martingale type EA I found somewhere on a thread before. It works like this.

  1. place two orders in both directions at first
  2. also place pending lot multipled orders in both directions every set pips level

I think this one can be a perfect hedge EA run with other Martingale EAs if those functions below are equiped:

  1. trailing stop when each pending order starts.
  2. if active orders of this EA hits trailing stop, close all orders including pending orders and start again automatically.

Reverse EA System | Myfxbook (20.2 KB)

Is this a demo version or the real EA? On the site MetaTrader Expert Advisors it says the full version costs “only” 220usd… This seems like a marketing post…

It is only with[B] unbounded wealth, bets and time[/B] that the martingale strategy can succeed.

Martingale (betting system) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I just noticed that the vendor of this EA is the same person who was selling a no-good scalper that has been discussed earlier in this forumby the name of taseeeeer: Definitely a promotional post.

I tried making a system like this before with limited success.
I know MartinGale Systems eventually fail, but betting on it failing is alomst the same odds.

Just to be clear, is the Martingale strategy the same as this?

hello dear
did you succeed to make a system like this ?
if yes, can you share with us pls ?

I doubt it will work because all Martingale systems eventually lose money [:expressionless:]
I have tried a few EAs and I could speak from experience.