New Russian Sanctions...The Start of WWW III?

The Russian sanctions being pushed by Congress demonstrates the most unprofessional comprehension of how to manage an economy I have ever seen. These sanctions are effectively economic war and will find that Europe will be forced to side with Russia.

Could this perception be caused by the press like CNN? Are they laying the seeds of war driving the polls to 70% of Americans see Russia as an enemy when USA interferes in foreign elections as well.

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The words I would like to use to voice my discuss with the US congress would likely get me banned from future post, so I will keep it PG-13. The government of the United States has become like the Empire from Star Wars, Clearly our country has gone to the dark side of the force, the deep state through non stop propaganda from CNN and other media has brainwashed a large section of our population to believe these lies about Russia . Those of us still on the good side of the force are seeing our voices silenced through widespread censorship, Speak out against our government on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter and you risk having your account terminated, The protest vote that got Donald Trump elected will likely be our last as the CIA ( sith lord) and Home land security ( Darth Vader) have taken control of future elections. Democracy is dead in America

Where we go from here is uncertain, but it is not hopeful

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So true, it is sad so many great people would be made to suffer because of the hate-filled media campaign

I confess I haven’t been paying much attention to what Donald Trump says or the US government does, just how the market reacts to it. The Dow loves it, the $ hates it, I am making money buying one and selling the other. But someone is going to have to pay the ferry-man eventually.


I really like the comparison with the Empire from Star Wars :smiley: But on the serious side, more and more people are beginning to see US like this. I mean it is obvious that they are trying to push the conflict even further and I am not sure what will be the end result. This economic war that is coming will have a global impact and the crisis will get deeper and deeper while the media will still pretend that all of this is driven by some sort of justice and righteousness. I can’t even imagine if someone still believes this kind of manipulation and truth twist.

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It like they are solely listening to the media, and a lot of these journalist are pumping out things that simply are not true.

In my view there won’t be another world war, because many countries have nuclear weapons, and if those get involved, there will be neither winners nor losers.

“Democracy” was at best only an illusion and the last ditch attempt by those who care here in the uk in getting us out of “Europe” (the Beaurocracy of unelected “Europe”) was a laudible attempt at restoring it to an extent.

As to what happens next ? There are two classic attempts at forecasting, by persons of foresight;

1984 (Orwell)
Brave New WOrld (Huxley)

But I don’t think either of them foresaw the level of power wielded by “Social Pressure Groups” in controlling policies and Bullying and silencing the voices of the many !

Where that is going in the future is indeed a real concern for freedom and democracy both !

Here in the US foreign policy wise we have become the Empire from Starwars, domestically we are headed towards what you saw in the movie " Hunger Games"

I think it won’t go to the military confict , that’s benefits no one. Because there will be no winners, no losers, there will be nobody after that. And understanding what do politicians have on their mind is a thankless job.