New software trading thread

My new software arrived today and really excited about it it’s been 2 years in the works it combines my trading knowledge with other aspects . There are manual elements to it so I can’t just let it go but here we go

It says
Sell Eur Nzd
Sell chf jpy

CHF jpy tp 153.202 sl 154.002
Eur Nzd tp 1.76411 sl 1.77211

Gbp Nzd sell tp 2.04483 sl 2.05283

Oooooh. :open_mouth: Interesting. :blush: If you don’t mind me asking, how did you come about this new software? :open_mouth: How has it been so far? :smiley:

What do you mean? Where was it, where did it come from?

An algorithm developer

Iv changed around a couple of parameters should work better now

Gbp Nzd buy tp 2.06416 sl 2.05616

Okay that makes more sense. You sharing any details or just providing signals. Thanks!

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A bit of fiddling around it should work better now

Gbp Nzd buy tp 2.06416 sl 2.05616

Just providing signals

Gbp Nzd buy tp 2.06416 sl 2.05616

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Cool thanks for sharing them

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No problem

Yeah that guy wasn’t very nice but oh well

My software keeps saying buy Gbp Nzd I think it’s a golden tom :+1:

Yes, well… you might well think its the best trade ever (or you might be led to think that because of your software).

But why?

I’m still fiddling with it but it takes an awful lot into account not just one thing

Should serve this community well :blush:

I have no reason to doubt this but personally I wouldn’t be able to follow a signal without understanding how it was generated.

Ok I will tell you it takes into account volitity , volume, boiler bands , candle patterns and more

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Now it says strong sell Eur chf

Sell Eur chf tp 0.96297 sl 0.97097

It’s saying buy Gbp Nzd again I reatthink that’s a gooden

It’s saying buy Aud usd and again buy Gbp Nzd together