New South African trader looking for a broker

Hi all your pipers out there. I’m new to trading and looking for some help from my other SA trader out there, witch broker do you use. Please keep in mind I like to trade on MT4. I will be starting with a small deposited. Please help.

Unjani! Snaga, welcome to Babypips. There are many good brokers around Babypips. You can also check out, for broker reviews.
Wishing you all the best in your trading.


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Hi Snaga, Im with Alpari UK. I am still trading on my demo, but I have a live account opened with them too.

I recommend Fxpro, HotForex. Just start with them.

Best thing to do is sign up a demo account with your chosen broker!
All said brokers are good and it will depend on your trading style.

Invest some of your time researching as will lessen the chances on landing with the wrong brokers.

I really appreciate your suggestion, Its wonderful idea for new traders.