New, starting from zero

Hi everyone, I’m absolutely new. I want to learn from zero and be a great trader.
Can someone tell me the best way to start?

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Start with the basics as shown in the education here , its a tough game but with enough time you can get there.


Eat up all the information you can get in the education section… Demo till you can find a good strategy… Keep improving yourself an remember there’s no substitute for experience. May the pips be with you

Welcome you, you can choose from a range of resources and build your trading skills with free online courses. Hope this is helpful for you.

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Welcome to the community, Amir777! Start with the School here. Take it one step at a time as it’s gonna be a long journey. Good luck and happy learning!

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Helloooo @Amir777! :blush: Welcome to BP! :smiley: I suggest that you start with the school of pipsology here. :smiley: If you have any questions, just go ahead and ask us. There are a lot of experienced traders here who are very nice and helpful. :smiley:

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Yes am new and i have been i new this by a friend