Gold has a one way ticket south.
Sell Eur usd
Sell Nzd chf
Sell Eur chf
Sell Eur Gbp
Buy Nzd jpy
Why please?
Iv changed it to Gbp cad buy better go with the trend
But Nzd jpy looks to reverse
Eur cad buy
Looks like cad is weak today
Buy Eur cad
Buy Gbp cad
Buy usd cad
It just looks like itβs revering especially Nzd usd
Iβm only going these two today after further anyalisis
Nzd usd buy
Eur cad buy
Gbp jpy buy
Gbp jpy sell tp 172.801
Gbp jpy tp hit 30 pips
Aud chf buy tp 0.59306
Aud chf sl 0.58905
Aud chf buy
Eur chf buy
Gbp chf buy
Aud cad buy
Buy usd cad
Usd cad tp 1.37099
Hoping to get 133 pips
SEll Bitcoin cash
Gbp jpy buy stop 174.239
AUd jpy buy tp 91.904