New Tick-borne Virus in China :(

Yeah! :blush: Which is why I was also wondering how this new tick-borne virus became a thing in the first place. :open_mouth:

Considering how china is keeping everything under the rugs, i am just hoping it is nothing serious.

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Proper hygiene, proper clothes when going out in nature.
Sometimes even those can’t help you. One time I took a walk with a family member in a park and one of these critters must’ve fallen out of a tree because it was stuck her neck. I swear I’ve gotten paranoid about them, haha.

From what I have read, this isn’t a new virus and is not limited to China. In 2013, 36 cases were reported in South Korea and similarly in Japan in the year 2016 & 2017.

That is why I think articles like “Dangerous new virus in China!” are just exploiting the current situation.

thats all we can do :frowning:

Well. :confused: That’s just something we can only hope for at this point. :confused:

Oh my. :confounded: I would be paranoid too! :face_vomiting: I might need to buy more long-sleeve turtlenecks to protect myself! :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah. :confused: I think I saw that too! :open_mouth: I agree with mlawson that since Covid came from China, people are more paranoid about what else is happening over there? There was also an article about the re-emergence of the Bubonic plague there, but apparently, it was never completely gone anyway? :open_mouth:

That’s true. :confused: I am very guilty of this. I guess most people have just become super paranoid about whatever comes out of there.

It’s true. I think it’s good to remember that a dangerous virus can pop up anywhere, at any time, for any reason. Focusing on just one place just because something bad happened there before blinds us to all the other unfortunate possibilities. :frowning: