New to babypips but not a new trader

Hello, I am a Forex trader since 2005 and have been profitable for almost the entire time. Life and work has taken me to many places but I wanted to say hello. I don’t have anything to sell but hopefully I can meet a few like minded people to trade with. I am traditional as a trader, pretty much Support and Resistance. I use Fibonacci for bounce trades and targets. I don’t use many indicators to get into a trade but will refer to a few now and again. I do my homework and prepare my charts before trading begins. I also will review the news events of the day and anything else that could affect the direction of the trade.
Anyway, hello and good trading to all,


Welcome to BP @Jag757. I’m also starting forex since 2005.

I wish you can enjoy BP and let the boredom vanish. Trading is a very boring thing. BP is really a good place to maintain our sanity and humanity :innocent:

Welcome to babypips @Jag757. You are a seasoned trader whose contributions, I’m certain, will be a wealth of knowledge. Glad to have you join this community of like-minded traders.

Hello and welcome :slight_smile: glad to have you here among us

Welcome to BP. Great to have you here