New to forex, 18 years old

New to forex, used forex hero app to get a basic understanding of what things are. Still unsure on how to effectively make money with a small account. Willing to learn and put the hours in. Income of an apprentice at £17000 a year so my budget is relative to that. Main misunderstandings are, how to effectively choose the volume of the trade, what to put stop loss and limits at and also what app to use, currently on a demo on IGfx but the volume doesn’t go below 0.5 on spread bets, unless that is just for the demo? Not sure.

this community is really appropriate for the traders who are beginners , hope you will be benefited from this community

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Take timeout to go through Babypips’ free forex course. I think volume weighted candles are underrated. You might wanna check that out and incorporate that into your demo account.

demo is good but i think instead of demo micro account is the god option to make sure live trading knowledge and experience.

if you willing to learn i think the pips school of this community can be a good option for you , this education level is free totally but effective compare to any others paid course in online.