New to forex and desiring to learn

am a total Newbie to forex, I’ve lately developed interest due to my friends and brother influence with a desire to have an extra source of income. I hope to Learn and with time grow to be a professional trader and even teach others who may be interested.

Hello, you are welcome in this volatile industry! This forum is such a great place to learn! You can read the old threads & especially the Babypips Forum! All the best!

You might find yourself with an extra expense source as FX trading is a profit and loss venture.

That is the reality.

Hello and welcome! Gonna take years of learning before you could rely on it. Take your time learning and good luck on your trading journey!

Hello! Welcome to the community. I’d suggest you take the babypips course “School of Pipsology.” You can also prefer other sources of information like YouTube videos or blogs and even books.