New to Forex and looking forward to getting to know everyone

Hello Everyone :wave:t2:

I’m just starting my Forex Trading journey and stumbled across this site which looks quite interesting.

I look forward to getting to know people and grow as a Forex Trader.

Outlook for this to to make it successfully so I can live life on my own terms and make my Family life much better as we are all feeling the hard times at this moment.

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You are Welcome in this volatile industry! As a new trader, try to focus on only the learning part, don’t forget making money isn’t easy here!

Thanks for your reply :+1:t2:

Looking forward to learning from this site and from fellow traders here also :grinning:

Welcome to the community, @ChrisCorr. Good luck on your fx trading journey. Hope to hear more from you,

Hello and welcome! We’re glad to have you here! Looking forward to hearing more about you and your trading journey. See you around!