New to forex community. Plan to learn as much about trading as possible

Unfortunately money is a necessary evil. I have a young daughter and want to provide her the best life possible. Being able to make a living trading stocks would open me up to a lot of freedom. I’d be able to spend more time with my daughter and would be able to travel. Not sure what to do I just don’t want to work a 9 to 5 and then before I know it shes asking me for the keys to the car

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Hi Trade-master74!
I know how it feels to want to provide for your kids without leaving them to work 40 hours a week. If you’re interested in trading, you should definitely go for it. I started trading for the same reasons as you, I’ve got two toddlers and due any day with number 3 and it’s changed my life. There’s nothing better than being able to stay home with your kids and provide for them at the same time. Don’t give up!

Learn how to trade properly first, before jumping in cold. Press the green education button above to start your journey.

Learning is the only tool you have when you enter the forex market. You will be able to make profitable decisions in the market only when you have an idea about what is going on. When you try to go with the flow, you will realize that you have been missing a lot of things that have impacted your trades badly in the past.

I think the 9 to 5 work culture would not bring any good to your life. It is like a blood sucking work culture where you are subjected to constant politics. I second with you that no one should be stuck in the corporate work culture.

Welcome to the community, @Trade-master74. Start with the school here if you’re not doing that yet. Are you more interested in stocks or in fx?

Don’t you think you’re thinking too far and being stressful? Especially when you plan on taking up forex, all these stresses will eventually lead up to losses. So, begin by learning and clicking on the green education button, make a plan of action, follow a consistent methodology, open up a demo account and start practicing.